March 20, 2008

Shoe Love

Mudd, Rocket Dogs, Steve Madden, Franco Sarto, Nike just to name a few. I love shoes! My friend Natasha told me a few weeks back that I have a thing shoes and hair. It's true. My girls have ridiculous amounts of shoes and hair stuff. And I could buy more and more and more. I really have to limit myself in the shoe department. My favorite Lately are Mudd shoes.

Here are my new ones.Jena got these from Granny. Totally Jena, all girly with sparkles. Like me she would live in flip flops all year if she could.
And Sara's are so cute! Thanks Teri and Matt! You can see all the different colors here.
She also recently got these and these.

I'm totally having a struggle with flip flops this year. I want these, but they are little girls and I can't find anything like them in my size! HELP! I will probably get these too.

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