August 24, 2010

Homestead Weekend

My awesome sister always takes the whole family to The Homestead in Midway every August and we always have a great time!

Jena's hair was pretty much actually this color by August with all the swimming we did.

I so wish I could have gotten a picture of Barry shoving Teri into the pool. 

My Handsome Husband!

The Whole Fam Damily after the BBQ Banquet where we won $310 in a raffle!
Freaking Awesome!

And no I'm not prego, sadly enough it just looks that way. sigh...

Cute Jake trying his hardest to crawl. 
And he did start army crawling this weekend.

I love all the random activities they have every night.
This night we got to sit and listen to the guy tell funny story's and cowboy poetry.
If you've never heard cowboy poetry you are missing out!

He made each of the kids a plaque with their birth dates burned in them.

Playing shuffle board

Granny and Jake trying to stay awake and watching the fire and cowboy.

Grandpa and Jena listening to the poetry.

Teri and Jake

Thanks Teri! 
We had a great time!

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