July 30, 2010


I'm going to post date a bunch of stuff and try to catch up.

Jena participated in North Ogden's Cherry Days Pagent and had a ton of fun.
{all those pictures are on my mom's camera...i think?}
But she also got to ride in the parade, which was the only reason she wanted to participate in the first place.

Ryan and Sara watching for Jena

Jena is way back in the shadows

Here she is after she was done.
I just realized how much older she looks since we cut her hair short.

I honestly haven't a clue where Sara had been here, my moms or Teri's I'm sure, but I just loved this picture.

Swimming with Teri

Jena and Syd and Katie's bday party.

Jake had just started to roll over on his own here.

Ryan and Sara and Katie's party.

Jena and some friends playing in the fire hydrant.

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