October 11, 2012


It seems like blogging is no longer the thing to do. I miss it. I miss going back and remembering all the things my kids have done and what life was like at that time.

I'm feeling a bit directionless as of late and suddenly found myself back here today.  I need to slow down and take more pictures. Slow down and pay attention to my family. Slow down and enjoy the moment rather than being rushed and annoyed by the everyday things.  I never thought I enjoyed writing but after taking English last semester I have re-discovered how therapeutic putting pen to paper can be.  And Facebook just makes me want to complain about everything. Blogging seems to make me look down deep for the gratitude and joys.  

I'll just try to keep my personal ramblings over here and family related ramblings here.

1 Reactions:

RATCH said...

Yay! I just stopped in to check your blog and saw that you posted. It made me happy. :)