December 3, 2007

Nothing Better To Do

I should be doing Laundry, this is the reason I'm still in my pajama's, in front of my computer procrastinating! I hate laundry day. This is where I should have a good attitude and just get it done, I rather go buy more clothes!

So here are some fun pictures of the kids.

Jena was playing with the camera the other day and some how figured out how to work the timer. I'm not really sure how to work the timer myself, so I'm impressed! We then played with her pictures in photoshop and she loved this one.

Ry loves meat! Especially any type that comes on a bone that he can pick up and eat like a cave man. Spicy Chicken Wings are his favorite! Needless to say the turkey thigh on thanksgiving was a hit!

I've mentioned before that Sara has a mind of her own. Lately she had decided she does not want to sleep. 10am and 4pm naps with bedtime at 7or8 is no longer the norm. It is anyones guess when she will decide to sleep lately. And if you decide she is tired before she is ready, no amount of rocking or bottles or swaddling will do the trick, she will also scream till she is horse if you just let her cry it out. Bedtime lately is 9 or 10 and we are up 4-5 times a night again. Here gums are very swollen and she had a fever last night so I'm hoping we sprout some teeth soon and get back on schedule!

Also, Sara has reached one of my favorite milestones. She can locate her binkie by herself and put it in without help. She has also started trying to put it into my mouth and giggling while doing so. Very Funny!

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