December 16, 2007


Poor Sara has been so grumpy. She had her 9 month check up the on Friday and she is bound to be much taller than Jena. Jena has always been 30-40% in her height, she recently has reached the 50%, yeah! Average! Sara on the other hand is always 75%. We also found out she does not have Thalasemia like Daddy and Jena. This is good news. However Dr. Reese looked in her mouth at her teeth and said, 'Oooh, Ouch!' She has 4 top teeth all about to break through at once, very swollen, very grumpy. Barry has been rubbing them to help them break, she is not too pleased with this. However the right two have broken through. After a power struggle of Barry trying to get Sara to crawl or sit quietly and watch football with him, she finally gave up and took a little nap on top of Daddy.

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