July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Wow, when I post, I really post. But I totally forgot to give you our Independence Day low down. Not that it was anything out of the ordinary but it let's me post more pictures of my kids and so you get to endure it!

Granny and I took Ry and Jena to the concert at the park and then watched the fireworks on on Thursday night. Barry got mysteriously ill just before we came. Enough Said. :)

Friday morning we actually made it to the Parade on time. So on time in fact that I thought we might loose the kids before it even began. But at last the Jets flew over, which is my favorite part, and the parade was a go.
Sara before the parade.
She's adorable even with 'the look'.

See that clean white shirt?
Thanks to this and a few others I don't think it will ever be the same.
During the parade Ryan looked way down the road and saw there were Army Jeeps and Hummers and Our Men in Uniform and he was giddy with excitement. Ry loves Soldiers. He could hardly contain himself with excitement. But as the 'Army Men' got closer he stood perfectly still in awe of them all. Suddenly on soldier yells right in his face 'Drop and give me a push up!' I've never seen Ryan move so fast. He was on the ground and doing a push up in 1 second flat. It was hilarious and Ry was so proud of his push up!
Aren't they cute?

After the parade we went to the little carnival in the park. The kids had fun in the bounce houses and the climbing wall.
I think Ry liked coming down more than going up.
While trying to leave the house I completely lost my senses and got talked into buying 2 African Dwarf Frogs. I got that 'have you lost your mind' look from Barry and I was thinking the very same thing. I was thinking they are only 1 inch long and don't get any bigger so how hard can they be to keep alive? I wasn't keeping in mind that I can not even keep a gold fish alive. Trust me I've tried 4 or 5 times.

So say hello to the new family addition. Well one anyway.
Ry named his Tiny Tim and Jena has a new name for hers every time you ask her.

We also enjoyed the evening up at Matt and Nats with the rest of the family. The kids ran around half naked all afternoon with the slip 'n' slide and trampoline, we enjoys some burgers and Natalies 'Counter full of Calories' and since they live way up on the Mountain we got to watch just about every cities fireworks as far as the eye could see. The weather was so fabulous in fact that we sat outside in our lawn chairs until 1am that morning. Then we remember we were parents that had children falling asleep on the floor inside the house so we had to pack them all up and head on home.

It was a great holiday with all the family! Hope you had a great time too.

1 Reactions:

Tori said...

Um so with Jen's new haircut and that outfit you have her in she looks way too old. I didn't even know that was her standing next to Ryan doing his push up (very cute). Put her back in pig tails so she can be my little diva again. She is so cute.