April 8, 2010

Welcome Baby Jacob!

Better late than never, right?

Jacob Enoch Hansen

January 25th at 10:38 pm!
Yes he took the whole freaking day to get here! 
Sooo like my children!
 7lbs 10oz
and he arrived screaming at the top of his lungs!
Very funny, but can you blame him?

 The very excited Brother and Sisters!

 Just arrived home. 
I love this picture! He looks like a little Tibetan Baby...or an elf. ;)

He had me worried with the screaming entrance but he has been a very mellow baby.

Big Sister, she adores him but still isn't terribly interested in him.
I think I've said before that she hasn't been very enthusiastic from the beginning so this didn't surprise me a bit.  I say this because everyone keeps expecting her to be the 'caretaker' big sister and really that role goes to Ryan.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.

1 1/2 Weeks old
The poor guy got an eye infection at 2 weeks.

He has stayed little for so long and that has been fun.
Ryan and Jena were both 14lbs at 2 months and Sara was 12lbs. 
Jake was only 10lbs 5oz, but I have noticed he has really started to grow this past week or so.
 He Loves to be swaddled as tight as can be and it only took me having 4 children to learn the BEST way to swaddle a baby so they don't wiggle their arms out. Thanks Teri!
Seriously it's so good I might just do a picture tutorial one of these days.   I'd have given anything to have known how to do this with Ryan!
This picture just reminds me so much of Ry because they both yawn with one eye closed.
This one makes me laugh too but it's shows his cute little face shape.
The first time I caught his smile on camera at 1 1/2 months.
Jake loves to lay in his crib and look at the star fabric on his bumper pads. I didn't give this one thought when I made them but apparently babies love high contrast things when they are new.  I don't really listen much to all the expert advice like that until someone points it out to me.  Because I pretty much know everything...;) hehehe...that's for you mom.
This was taken today right after he ate and right before he barfed it all over my couch.  You'd think I'd learn!
His is still a pretty mellow baby.  He loves to be upright and is very wiggly. He is getting into a good sleep routine of 9-3 and 3:30-6ish so I can't really complain to much.  Having a baby is so fun and so much work, but 
We Adore Him!


1 Reactions:

Kari Badell said...

What a cutie! Goll, it seems like it was yesterday that you had him and now he's almost 3 months old. Crazy. I hope his next two months go by even faster because then that will mean that I'm not pregnant anymore - YAY!