July 2, 2010

you are magnificent

Today nothing out of the orndinary happened. In fact it was an absolutely normal day. So why was it so hard? Does anyone else ever feel like a broken record as a mother? Some days the repetion of teaching my children what I feel they must have learned by now but clearly have not just pushes me over that ledge. You know the one I'm talking about.
And then I find this-

And I put down the spoon of whip cream that I am feeding to my emotions (no joke) and cry.  I am so incredibly blessed and greatful to have The Gospel in my life and to know that The Lord is blessing me at my most difficult times.

1 Reactions:

Melissa said...

I love the part where the mom is wrestling the kids while dad is cluelessly praying. So familiar. Thanks, I need to have this on a daily watch list.